Apex Art New York International Open Call winning exhibition, 2022
“Can you fuck it?” — The Fembot Phenomenon takes as its title one of the prevailing online comments made each time a newly developed female-appearing robot is introduced in the media. “Fine, nice work there, but can you fuck it?”, say the legions on the Internet. In response to this response, this exhibition brings together accomplished international women artists working in Asia, who consistently take female-appearing robots as subjects in their practice. Using humor, deconstruction and speculative reframing of a familiar figure, we offer an engaging critique of the phenomenon of the fem-bot.
Why do humans make androids in our (idealized) image? Why should a robot be sexy? What dictates the future of technology, and who ‘redesigns’ the status quo? To properly address these questions, women’s ideas must begin to be acknowledged among those which usually present objectified feminine embodiment as a fait accompli. We mount a tightly-focused exhibition of four women artists working across video, installation, photography, drawing, painting, and social documentary and debate. It is possibly the first time an exhibition has been themed ‘women make art about fembots’. The exhibition takes place in the heart of Tokyo: the entertainment district of Kabukicho in Shinjuku, which boasts the busiest train station in the world. The venue is strategically located in an artist-run space called the Ningen Restaurant (nngn.jp), which is directly opposite Kabukicho’s famous Robot Restaurant. Ningen means human in Japanese and this counter-culture space was initiated by radical Japanese art collective ‘Chim↑Pom from SmappaGroup’. From the windows and balcony of Ningen, we can look out at the flashing lights of the vast Robot Restaurant where women performers half-dressed as robots ride massive remote-controlled Transformers, and fantasy sex sells. We stage an intervention and party here, from a female perspective. We invite people to think about the gendering and sexualization of machinery, and of times to come — is it really about pleasure? Or is it about power? |
当展覧会はユーモアと脱構築を用い、見慣れた形象を理論的に再検証することで、フェムボットという現代的な現象について最新の魅力ある批評を提示します。 ロボットはセクシーであるべきか?テクノロジーの未来を決定づけるのは何か、そしてこの現状を再設計するのは一体誰なのか?これらの問題に適切に取り組むためには、女性らしさの具現化を既成事実として客体化し、提示している人々が、女性自身がどう考えているのかを理解する必要があると考えます。 この度、ビデオ、インスタレーション、写真、ドローイング、ペインティングそしてソーシャルドキュメンタリーとディベートといったメディアの領域を横断して活動する、女性としてのアイデンティティを持つアーティストに強く焦点を当てた展覧会を開催します。「女性がフェムボットについてのアートをつくる」ことをテーマにした展覧会はおそらく初めてのことになるでしょう。 展覧会は東京の鼓動する心臓部である歌舞伎町の、有名なロボットレストランの向かいにあるバー/レストランで開催されます。私たちはここに集い、パーティーを繰り広げ、将来における機械の性別化や性欲化について考える機会を皆様に提案します。 |
Ongoing participatory installation and art–science experiment, 2019, 2020, 2022 ~